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Setelah 3 Downloader Manager tersebut kami uji ternyata "Mass Downloader" lah yang paling ampuh dan handal,Mass Downloader mampu mencapai kecepatan download maksimum dibanding dengan ke-2 Download manager diatas (IDM&DAP)...Hanya saja jika kita ingin mendapatkan Versi Full nya memang susah klo gratisan tapi tenang saja gw dah nyediain yang FULL VERSION,Download aja >>DISINI<<
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So......Are u want to try or tested by u'r selves.....
U'r Choice....
u'LL neVeR KnOw UnTIL u TrY It !!!
Ini melengkapi Dota 6.58b changelogs:
* Fixed bug yang langka diperkenalkan dengan versi terakhir yang tak akan dari segala
* Fixed bug dengan tengkorak Basher
* Fixed bug yang bunuh diri dengan Heartstopper
* Fixed bug dengan Overload
* Berbagai perbaikan tooltip
* Tetap beberapa Glitches langka yang dapat menyebabkan beberapa kemampuan untuk kerusakan
* Tetap berbagai bug-aktifkan terkait
* Beralih kini bekerja jika semua pemain tetapi satu suara untuk itu, bukan yang memerlukan 100%
* Tetap truesight di The Frozen Arasy
* Decreased abadi model ukuran sedikit
* Tetap konflik antara Viper Strike dan sengit Gale
* Tetap Soul Rip menargetkan masalah pada Tombstone
* Tetap dalam -mo/-ro-gameinfo
* Fixed bug ketika picking up rune kelihatan sedangkan di bawah Tahap efek dari Tahap Boots
* Mr-tetap tidak diakui sebagai gamemode
* Tetap pedang tipis ringan dan tajam bila nilai kerusakan yang sedang dijalankan oleh non-pemain yang memiliki
u'LL neVeR KnOw UnTIL u TrY It !!!
DotA Allstars 6.57b AI + 1,52 Revision 03
Ini adalah pelabuhan RGB's AI + 1,52 (awalnya ditulis untuk DotA Allstars 6.48b).
It behaves sama dengan aslinya AI, dan hanya diubah untuk memperhitungkan perubahan saldo, item resep baru, dan banyak fitur baru. Karena itu, beberapa konten baru tidak sepenuhnya bekerja dengan AI yet.
Peringatan: Tidak ada AI untuk Lifestealer, Invoker, Clockwerk Goblin, Admiral Proudmoore maupun Windrunner. Mereka akan mendapatkan barang-barang tapi tidak akan menggunakan atau mempelajari keterampilan mereka.
* AI tidak bereaksi dengan benar ke-nb,-nm dan mode-nt.
* Beberapa exploits yang seharusnya telah tetap masih ada di dalam permainan, tidak menggunakannya. Jika Anda benar-benar ingin menipu terhadap AI, hanya digunakan-ujian.
Perintah yang belum dilaksanakan dengan baik:
* Ah -
*-Rd (yang baru di 6,53,-rd dalam permainan tetapi dilakukan dengan cara yang sama dengan pra-6.53)
FUN Tavern
Selain itu, saya telah menambahkan dua Fun Taverns di sudut kanan bawah.
Saat ini meliputi lima belas warisan pahlawan (mungkin lagi di masa mendatang):
* Lama Invoker (6.12b)
* Lama Lifestealer (6.48b)
* Lama alat peredam bunyi (6.12b)
* Penjudi (6,06)
* Old Morphling (5.84b)
* Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b)
* Lama orang gemuk (5,51)
* Lama Chen (5,64)
* Old Medusa (5.84b)
* Tidak berlaku Demon (3.0d)
* Rider (5,72)
* Allah Wind (6,01)
* Flame Tuhan (5,51)
* Avatar of Vengeance (6.32b)
* Dgn bintang Trekker (3.0d)
Untuk mengakses taverns menyenangkan, jenis-menyenangkan dalam 15 detik pertama dari permainan. Catatan Fun Tavern pahlawan yang tidak memiliki skrip AI dan tidak akan membeli barang atau menggunakan / belajar keterampilan.
Silahkan Download >>D I S I N I<<
u'LL neVeR KnOw UnTIL u TrY It !!!
Yang suka & doyan DOTA neh ada map DOTA versi terbaru......
Download ae >>DISINI<<
Dan changelognya ada didalam file mapnya .....Tapi maav translatenya ga sempurna bgt cz gw translate lsg dari google....hehehe......
» 10 Downline klik 10 iklan perhari = $1.00
» Pendapatan perharimu = $1.00
» Pendapatan Perminggumu = $7.00
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Nah lsg aja (Lum dimulai ta???) maav2...
1. Uninstall dulu IDM nya...(Mesti Suruh Restart,restart aja yah....hehehehe)
2. Buka Run
3. Ketik "regedit" tanpa tanda kutip trus OK or ENTER aja...
5. Klo udah liat pada gambar yang tak kasih tanda merah tu dihapus aja,trus pada gambar sing tak kasih warna biru itu hasil dr IDM sing udah di crack (inget !!! yg dihapus yang merah)......(Klik gambar untuk memperbesar)
Masuk ke Folder :
Trus cari folder seperti gambar dibawah ini....(Klik gambar untuk memperbesar)
Jika kita ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat n' larinya kenceng kek atlit halah bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tersebut supaya pada Windows kita bisa maksimal dalam menggunakan bandwidth yang sudah ada.
Ikuti petunjuknya seperti dibawah ini(Follow Me) :
1. Klik Start
2. Klik Run
3. Ketik gpedit.msc
4. kemudian klik Ok
5. Setelah masuk klik Administrative Templates
6. kemudian Klik Network
7. setelah terbuka klik QoS Packet scheduler
8. kemudian klik Limit Reservable Bandwidth
9. Dan setelah terbuka ubah setting menjadi Enable
10. Kemudian ubah Bandwidth Limitnya menjadi 0
11. Klik Apply,ok
12. Kemudian keluar dan Restart komputer
Then Go go go!!
NB : XP dan Vista Langkahnya Sama....kLo LinUx ga Teu 5av Yawh...
Apakah PC atau laptop Anda sering digunakan oleh orang lain? Jika, ya, apakah mereka sering mengcopy data atau file-file penting tanpa seizin Anda? Jika menghendaki, Anda dapat membuat file-file penting Anda tersebut tidak dapat dicopy paste begitu saja. Berikut Tips Men-Disable Copy Paste File bersama Tips dan Trik Komputer sehingga setiap user tidak dengan mudah untuk melakukan copy paste file-file kita ke media penyimpanan, seperti flash disk, disket, CD/DVDRW, media portable lainnya.
Langsung saja, berikut tipsnya :
* Klik Start >> Run >> ketik Regedit kemudian OK atau ENTER.
* Klik HKEY_LOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl
* Klik kanan pada Control pilih New >> Key kemudian beri nama “StorageDevicePolicies” (tanpa tanda kutip)
* Klik kanan pada StorageDevicePolicies kemudian pilih New >> DWord Value kemudian beri nama “WriteProtect” (juga tanpa tanda kutip).
* Kemudian klik double pada WriteProtect tersebut, kemudian ganti value datanya menjadi 1.
* Kemudian Restart Komputer/Laptop Anda.
* Selesai
Jika berhasil, setiap kali ada orang lain yang ingin mengcopy paste file, maka akan ada commentar : Error Copying File or Folder.
Jika ingin mengembalikan ke kondisi semula, ganti value datanya menjadi 0.
Sumber :
Are you running out of cash? Is your job not paying you enough? Well, don’t just sit there and pout. Why don’t you make money writing online?
As of this moment, you’re probably wondering how you can make money writing online when you can’t even get a decent job interview in real life. Well, this makes everything much more fruitful for you.
Working online is actually easier than working in a real office on a 9-5 timetable. And one of the best ways to make money writing online is by using blogs.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not all that difficult to earn from blogs once you’ve found your niche. Search engines love them, and blogs are generally accessible to the public (unless you lock them, of course).
Here’s some of the ways to make money writing online using blogs:
1) You could put adsense, promote affiliate products or products of your own in your blog to make money
2) You could also earn through advertising. Once your blog becomes well-known in the blogosphere, potential advertisers are going to come knocking your door. You might want to set up a counter to know how many people are viewing your blog.
3) You might be surprised by the number of people out there who surf the web all day and read blogs. Some of these people are marketers, advertisers and other professionals who are looking for writers. One of them might come across your blog, like how you write, and contact you for possible employment.
4) Your blog helps you establish connections with other bloggers / writers who could do a joint venture with you, or at least recommend you to a potential employer.
You don’t have to carry a Phd to make money writing online. All you have to do is use your imagination and creativity to get your blog earning the dough for you.
Anyone can make money blogging; you can even earn enough to quit your present job if you do it right. But you should be careful with books or courses promising to make you rich overnight.
You might have seen or heard of reports about bloggers making several thousands of dollars every day.
What you don’t know is that it might have taken them many years, or they might have to spend several bucks, to accumulate enough backlinks and traffic. Perhaps they might have their own websites or JV partners, where they can leverage from each others’ assets.
If you’re just starting to blog and you don’t have your own network yet, don’t worry. In this article, I’ll show you how to make money blogging using 5 simple steps. As long as you’re willing to learn and take action, you can skyrocket your earnings in no time.
Step 1: Decide the specific topic or niche of your blog.
Your blog topics should be something that both you, and your audience, are familiar with or passionate about.
Let’s say you want to make money blogging about video games. If you’e a WarCraft fan, and you understand the game from top to bottom, you’re more likely to come up with beneficial content than if you were to write something completely uninteresting or foreign to you.
Step 2: Create a professional-looking blog.
Choose an eye-catching design and style for your blog. You can find free themes and plugins on the internet, so you can build attractive blogs and maximize their full moneymaking potentials.
Step 3: Post valuable, entertaining or controversial content on your blog.
It’s better if you write the content yourself, so that your personality may shine through. But in case you can’t think of any ideas or you’re pressed for time, you could always outsource the task to a dependable freelancer. Remember, if you want to make money blogging, you need to invest time and/or money in providing excellent content.
Let’s say you have a WarCraft blog offering free tips for a soon-to-launch ebook, what’s a good plan?
Well, you could write 300-600 word quality articles related to your World of WarCraft blog, and post an article at least 5 times a week in it. If you give quality content, your credibility or authority level shoots up.
Getting people to write comments is an excellent way to get free content and make money blogging. People love to join hot discussions. Encourage comment posting by offering certain prizes for blog commenters of the month. For example, you could give $50-$100, gift cards to Amazon, or copies of your own products (in case you don’t want to offer money).
By posting valuable content and encouraging comments, you’re slowly building a network of fans to your blog.
Step 4: Monetize it.
There are a number of ways to make money blogging through various monetization streams.
You could promote your own products related to your content. If you provide good solid information and they’re satisfied, they are more likely to buy from you.
If you don’t have your own products, you could buy products with resale or private label rights. But if you don’t want to go through any hassles, you could simply promote affiliate products related to your content.
You could also post Google adsense on your blog, so you can make money blogging whenever someone clicks on those ads, even if they didn’t buy anything.
You can also make money by using pay-per-action programs. These programs usually pay you more than adsense, but less than the normal affiliate programs. How do you earn with pay-per-action programs? Every time someone does a specific action that the advertiser intends them to do (whether it’s filling up a form, downloading a report, subscribing to a list, etc.), you get paid a certain amount.
If your blog becomes popular enough, you could also offer advertising space where marketers will pay you to put their advertisements in your blog.
Step 5: Bring in the traffic.
There are different techniques to generate traffic and make money blogging.
Set up your blog posts to be “pinged” automatically to a list of ping sites every time you make a new post. Pinging is a method that allows your content to be indexed faster by the search engines.
Use Google Adwords or other pay-per-click methods to advertise your blog. When people search for certain keywords related to your blog, your pay-per-click ad comes out. You only pay every time someone clicks on your ad.
Create informative or entertaining videos, advertise your blog in that video, and upload them to video-sharing sites. Youtube may be the most popular one, but there are other sites worth uploading your videos to. You may use a free service like to simultaneously upload your videos to a variety of video-sharing sites of your choosing.
Submit your blog to blog directories. Simply search for “blog directories” in Google and you’ll get a list to submit your blog details to.
One of the most effective ways to make money blogging is to contact other bloggers and set up a proposal - you put their blog link on your blog, and vice-versa.
Write articles and submit them to article directories. You can then advertise your blog in the resource box. You could even use your blog content as articles to submit to article directories. But that’s not all…
You could maximize your content to its full capacity by converting your articles to powerpoint presentations and posting them at You could also convert those powerpoint presentations into videos, and then post them to various video-sharing sites.
Use various Web 2.0 methods to make money blogging. Bookmark your links at social bookmarking sites like,,, and many others. However, you should always observe proper netiquette. Most, if not all, of these bookmarking sites prohibit any marketing activities. But you can get under the radar if you give first, become a helpful part of the Web 2.0 community, and bookmark a lot more non-self-serving sites than self-serving ones.
These are the 5 simple steps to make money blogging. Hope you find them useful and may you earn a lot of money with your blog.
For many those are serious to make money from there blogs they must first get themselves the awareness that there are some benefits attached to blogging and knowing these benefits will in know small way help the blogger particularly a first timer to get off the starting blocks and make head way.
Below are listed some great benefits to get out of blogging in order of importance, with little note on each area that is talked about.
• One of the great benefits of blogging I find too hard to believe is the relative low cost of setting it up. It is too cheap to set up, that you will find it very hard to believe but it is true, just look for one and log in you will find it so.
• Your blog roll will look at you with admiration as an expert in your chosen area of blogging, since you hold some vital information they don’t have, you are considered an expert.
• You build a reputation from your blog of someone that is highly rated, especially if your blogroll members are very vocal about your comments and views on issues you raise.
• With your blog you can become a force to be reckoned with in your niche or specialization market.
• Your blog will help you to develop the kind of public relations you need from your members as you will become something of public relations media practitioner.
• Your blog will give you a competitive edge over your co competitor, and this will stand you apart from the crowd.
• Blogs afford you the opportunity to directly linked with those that matter to you; you get direct access to them
• Your blog allows you to be seen on the search engines and if your blog is very good you will be rated on the top page of the site like google etc.
• Lastly your blog roll will help put you and your product on a different level, for it allows you to brand your product and services.
By: givefreeinfo
By: Mike Zacher